Let $K\subset R^d$ be a compact set. It is well known that its Fourier dimension is defined by $$\dim_F K=\sup\{s\ge 0: \exists \mu \in M_1(K) s.t. \hat{\mu}(x)=O(|x|^{-s/2})\}(|x|\to\infty),$$ where $M_1(K)$ denotes the set of probability measures with support in $K.$
My question is: Does the condition $\dim_FK=0$ imply that $K$ can not support a measure $\mu$ with decaying Fourier transformation? In other word, there is no Rajchman measure spported on $K?$
Maybe there exists measure with decaying Fourier transformation according other ``speed" rather than polynomial speed. Can somebody give an example? Many thanks.