Consider the real diagonal $4\times 4$ - matrix
$$I_{2,2}={\rm diag}(1,1,-1,-1)$$
and the corresponding special unitary group
$$ G={\rm SU}(2,2)=\{g\in {\rm SL}(4,{\mathbb{C}})\ |\ g\cdot I_{2,2}\cdot \bar g ^{\rm tr}=I_{2,2}\}.$$
We regard $G$ as an algebraic group over ${\mathbb{R}}$.
It is known that $G$ is quasi-split, that is, $G$ contains a Borel subgroup $B$ defined over ${\mathbb{R}}$.
Let $U$ denote the unipotent radical of $B$, it is defined over ${\mathbb{R}}$.
Set $X=G/U$.
Question. How can one describe the homogeneous space $X$ explicitly (by equations and "inequalities") as a quasi-projective variety over ${\mathbb{R}}$ on which ${\rm SU}(2,2)$ naturally acts?
EDIT: I explain why I need explicit equations for $G/U$. I want to twist the desired variety by the 1-cocycle $c=I_{2,2}\in G(\mathbb{R})_2$ and to obtain explicit equations for the twisted variety $Y={}_c X$. This new variety $Y$ over $\mathbb{R}$ is a homogeneous space of the twisted group $_cG={\rm SU}(4)$ for which $U$ is the stabilizer of a $\mathbb C$-point. Of course, $Y$ has no $\mathbb R$-points, because the stabilizer of an $\mathbb R$-point would be a compact form of $U$, but we know that the unipotent group $U$ has no compact forms.