I hope this is research level. Suppose $E$ is the direct limit of finite spectra, say $E=\mathrm{colim }\ E_i$, which itself is not finite. I wonder how much and under which conditions the inverse limit $\mathrm{lim}\ D(E_i)$ is a good candidate for playing role of $D(E)$? Here, I write $D$ for the $S$-duality functor. I feel there is problem with the possibility of existence of phantom maps here. I will be very grateful for any advise on this, or possibly some references on the topic.
As to what one might expect. For instance, if $f:X\to Y$ is a map between finite spectra then $f_*=0$ if and only if $D(f)_*=0$. Or if we know about dimension of bottom cell of $E$ then that would tell about the dimension of the top cell of the dual spectrum. Here, $f_*$ is the map induced in ordinary homology and I consider CW spectra. And if $D(E)$ can always be identified with the function spectrum $F(E,S^0)$?!
I also would like to know what features of duality for finite spectra fail to hold in general. For the moment, homological behavior is very interesting for me. I also wonder if my worry about phantom maps has any point?!?