This may turn out to be a bit embarassing, but here it is. It is probably not true that the ascending and descending central series (*) of a nilpotent group have the same terms. (Or at least one of MacLane-Birkhoff, Rotman and Jacobson would have mentioned it.) However, I have been unable to find an example where they are different. I thought I had a sketch of proof that they are always equal, but there is a gap, of the kind where you feel it is not patchable.
I've proved it for a few nilpotent groups (dihedral of the square, any group of order p^3, the Heisenberg groups of dimension 3 and 4 over any ring -- I think the argument extends to any dimension), and checked a few more exotic examples in the excellent Group Properties Wiki. So,
What is the simplest (preferably finite) nilpotent group such that its a.c.s. and d.c.s. are different?
Do the a.c.s. and d.c.s. coincide in some interesting general case?
(*) For completeness, the ascending central series of a group G is defined by Z_0 = 1, Z_{i+1} = the pullback of Z(G/Z_i(G)) along the projection, and the descending central series by G_0 = G, G_{i+1} = [G,G_i]. The group G is nilpotent iff ever Z_m = G or G_m = 1. It turns out that if such m exists it is the same for both.