Suppose an operator $T$ is bounded on $L^2$ and also bounded from $L^{1}$ to $L^{1}$-weak. Then by Marcinkewicz interpolation one gets that $T$ is bounded on every $L^{p}$ for p between 1 and 2. Precise versions of the theorem (see the book of L.Grafakos) give an estimate of the norm of $T$ on $L^{p}$, and of course the norm diverges as $p\to 1$. If not, by a simple argument one could obtain that $T$ is bounded also on $L^{1}$, which is clearly false in general (e.g. singular integrals). By the way, even a weaker assumption on the growth of the norm should allow one to conclude that $T$ is bounded on $L^{1}$, as in extrapolation theorems.
Now suppose you (me) are hard-headed and want to use the general machinery of real interpolation, say the K-method as detailed in the book of Bergh and Löfström. Then $T$ is bounded from $L^{1}$ to $L^{1}$-weak which means the Lorentz space $L^{1,\infty}$, with norm $M_{0}$, and also from $L^{2}$ to $L^{2}$ with norm $M_{1}$. Then $T$ is bounded on the corresponding real interpolation spaces with norm $M_{0}^{1-\theta}M_{1}^{\theta}$. Real interpolates of Lorentz spaces are Lorentz spaces, see Theorem 5.3.1 in B-L. We conclude that $T$ is bounded on every Lorentz space $L^{p,q}$ with p between 1 and 2, and $1\le q\le \infty$, and in particular on $L^{p,p}=L^{p}$ as expected.
Unfortunately, now I have a uniform bound on the norm of $T$ as $p\to 1$, which would allow me to conclude that $T$ is also bounded on $L^{1}$. Where is the mistake? There must be some inaccuracy in one of the steps, but which one exactly?