Let $V$ be a $d$-dimensional real vector space. ($d \ge 3$). Fix an odd $2 \le k \le d-1$. Define $H_{>k}=\{ A \in \End(V) \mid \operatorname{rank}(A) > k \}$. $H_{>k}$ is an open submanifold of $\End(V)$.
We also define, for a given number $s$, the open submanifold
$$\tilde H_{>s}=\{ B \in \End(\bigwedge^k V) \mid \operatorname{rank}(B) > s \} \subseteq \End(\bigwedge^k V).$$
Consider the map $$ \psi:H_{>k} \to \tilde H_{>k} \, \,, \, \, \psi(A)=\bigwedge^{k}A, %\psi:H_r \to \text{End}(\bigwedge^{k}V) \, \,, \, \, \psi(A)=\bigwedge^{k}A, $$
$\psi$ is a smooth injective immersion. (The injectivity uses the fact $k$ is odd, since otherwise $\psi(A)=\psi(-A)$).
Question: Is $\psi$ is a proper map?
(In the case $k=d-1$, the answer is positive, since then we ask if $\psi:\text{GL}(V) \to \text{GL}(\bigwedge^k V) $ is proper. See more details below).
Explanation on the codomain of $\psi$:
Let $H_{i}=\{ A \in \End(V) \mid \operatorname{rank}(A) = i \}$, and $\tilde H_i$ its analog on the exterior algebra $\bigwedge^kV$.
For $A \in \text{End}(V)$,
$$\operatorname{rank}(\bigwedge^kA) = \binom {\operatorname{rank}(A)}{k} ,$$ that is $\psi(H_r) \subseteq \tilde H_{\binom {r}{k}}$.
In particular, this implies $\psi(H_{>k}) \subseteq \tilde H_{>k}$.
I know that each restriction $\psi|_{H_r}:H_r \to H_{\binom {r}{k}}$ is proper, but I am having trouble with handling the case where the domain is the union $H_{>k}=\cup_{i=k+1}^d H_i$.
In particular, I am not sure about the following related sub-question:
Let $A_n \in H_{>k}$, and suppose that $\psi(A_n)=\bigwedge^k A_n$ converges to some $D \in \tilde H_{>k}$. Is it true that $D \in \tilde H_{\binom {i}{k}}$ for some $i>k$? (We can assume all the $A_n$'s have the same rank, hence all the $\psi(A_n)$ also have the same rank. In general, the rank of the limit $D$ can fall below the shared rank of the $\psi(A_n)$. The question is if it must fall to another "legal" value, which is one of the values that are obtainable from endomorphisms of $V$).