Suppose that $G$ is a regular feebly compact Moore quasitopological group. Must $G$ be a topological group? This was previously posted here on MathSE also.
A semitopological group $G$ is a group $G$ with a topology such that the product map of $G\times G$ into $G$ is separately continuous. If G is a semitopological group and the inverse map of $G$ onto itself associating $x^{-1}$ with arbitrary $x\in G$ is continuous, then $G$ is called a quasitopological group. If $G$ is a quasitopological group and the product map of $G\times G$ into $G$ is jointly continuous, then $G$ is called a topological group.
A space is feebly compact if every family of locally finite non-empty open sets is finite.
Note that if $G$ is Tychonoff, the answer to this question is true,since $G$ will be Cech complete.