I could not locate a definition of Fermionic quantum field (like for an electron!) in even Kevin Costello's book, http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Can anyone help define this thing? And any such definition also has to make sense when the spacetime is a super-manifold.
(Beyond how physics books define it as a plane-wave expansion with anti-commuting operator coefficients - there its very unclear as to how the spinorial structure is getting encoded or what exactly is the algebraic structure of this operator space from which these operators are coming - and how they can be defined to act on the Hilbert space of the QFT when this Hilbert space is defined in the "right way" as : the dual of an implicit vector space whose basis is assumed to be in bijective correspondence with the space of all possible classical configurations/values of all the classical fields - which need not all be Fermionic - in the underlying classical Lagrangian)