Let $K$ be an extension field of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, let $O$ be the ring of integers of $K$, and let $P$ be the maximal ideal of $O$.
If $K$ is a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, there is the well-known algebraic isomorphism
$$O[[X]]\cong\varprojlim O[X]/((1+X)^{p^n}-1).$$
A proof of this fact can be found, for example, in Lang's "Cyclotomic fields", in Washington's "Introduction to Cyclotomic Fields", and in Neukirch et al's "Cohomology of number fields". In all of this proofs, at some point one needs a generator of the maximal ideal $M$, that is, a uniformizer element of $K$. Hence, a priori, this proofs do not work if we let $K$ to be a non discretely valued extension.
Now, in page 96 of Lang's "Cyclotomic fields I and II", he claims (and uses) that this isomorphism is true when one let $K=\mathbb{C}_p$, the completion of the algebraic closure of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. My question is: where can I find a proof of this?, or, why is this obviously true?, since he only proves this isomorphism for $K=\mathbb{Q}_p$.
Note: Since I do not know too much about (the foundations of) Iwasawa theory, I do not know if this is an elementary question. If it is, please let me know and I will ask it in MSE.