Let $W$ be a symmetric $\alpha$-stable process with its generator $-(-\Delta)^{\alpha/2}$ for some $\alpha \in (0, 2]$ under $\mathbb P$. Let $\mathbb P^x$ be the probability measure induced by a process $$X(t) = x + t + W(t)$$ starting from $x$, and we set $$\hat \zeta = \inf\{t>0: X(t) \notin (-1, 1)\}, \quad \zeta = \inf\{t>0: X(t) \notin [-1, 1]\}.$$ My question is that
[Q.] Is $\mathbb P^x (\hat \zeta = \zeta) = 1$ valid for $\alpha \in (0, 1)$?
The answer should be positive if $\alpha \ge 1$. In fact, one can use strong Markov property and time-shift operator to obtain $$\mathbb P^x(\hat \zeta = \zeta) = \mathbb P^x (\zeta \circ \theta_{\hat \zeta} = 0) = \mathbb E^x [ \mathbb P^{X(\hat \zeta)} (\zeta = 0)] = 1.$$ The last equality is true, since $\zeta = 0$ $\mathbb P^{x}$-a.s for all $x\notin (-1, 1)$ when $\alpha\ge 1$.
However, when $\alpha <1$, $x = -1$ is not regular to $[-1, 1]^c$, i.e. $\zeta>0$ holds almost surely in $\mathbb P^{-1}$. Therefore, the above argument does not work any more, unless $\mathbb P^x(X(\hat \zeta) = -1) = 0$, which is not clear to me.