Does anybody know any link/source where I can find examples of hypergraphs with their clique numbers? I need a few examples to test an algorithm and do not want to go for randomly generated hypergraph. Any help will be appreciated.
1 Answer
Interpretion: set bits and dark dots are nodes present in the clique. The number is just the binary in base 10, and the digit in parens is the color.
H: A complete 3-uniform hypergraph on 10 vertices with 2 colors, cliques: 27, edges: 120
Maximal Color-Cliques
color 0:
order 2:
▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝ 1001000000 (576) (0)
⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝ 0000011000 (24) (0)
order 4:
▪▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝ 1100100100 (804) (0)
⬝▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝ 0101100100 (356) (0)
⬝▪▪⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝⬝ 0110101000 (424) (0)
⬝▪▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝ 0110110000 (432) (0)
order 5:
⬝⬝⬝⬝▪⬝▪▪▪▪ 0000101111 (47) (0)
⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝▪▪▪ 0000110111 (55) (0)
⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝▪▪ 0101001011 (331) (0)
⬝▪⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪ 0101010011 (339) (0)
⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪ 0011100011 (227) (0)
⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪▪ 0110000111 (391) (0)
▪⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪ 1010100011 (675) (0)
▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪⬝▪▪ 1100001011 (779) (0)
▪▪⬝⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪ 1100010011 (787) (0)
color 1:
order 2:
⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪ 0000000011 (3) (1)
order 3:
⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪⬝ 0100100010 (290) (1)
⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪ 0100100001 (289) (1)
⬝⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝ 0010100100 (164) (1)
order 4:
▪▪▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝ 1111000000 (960) (1)
⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝▪ 0010011001 (153) (1)
⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪⬝▪⬝ 0010011010 (154) (1)
⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝ 0100011100 (284) (1)
▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪⬝▪ 1001000101 (581) (1)
▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝ 1001000110 (582) (1)
order 5:
▪⬝⬝▪▪▪▪⬝⬝⬝ 1001111000 (632) (1)
order 6:
▪⬝▪▪⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝ 1011011100 (732) (1)
H: A complete 3-uniform hypergraph on 8 vertices with 3 colors, cliques: 30, edges: 56
Maximal Color-Cliques
color 0:
order 2:
⬝▪⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝▪ 01000001 (65) (0)
⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝ 00100100 (36) (0)
order 3:
▪▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝ 11100000 (224) (0)
▪⬝⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝ 10010100 (148) (0)
⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝ 01010010 (82) (0)
⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝ 01001100 (76) (0)
⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝⬝ 00111000 (56) (0)
order 4:
▪⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪ 10100011 (163) (0)
▪⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝▪ 10011001 (153) (0)
⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪▪▪ 00001111 (15) (0)
color 1:
order 2:
⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝ 00100100 (36) (1)
order 3:
⬝⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪ 00010011 (19) (1)
⬝⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝ 00011100 (28) (1)
⬝⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝▪ 00101001 (41) (1)
▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝▪ 11000001 (193) (1)
▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝ 10110000 (176) (1)
▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪⬝▪ 10000101 (133) (1)
⬝▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝ 01011000 (88) (1)
order 4:
▪▪⬝⬝▪⬝▪⬝ 11001010 (202) (1)
▪▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝ 11000110 (198) (1)
⬝▪▪⬝▪⬝▪⬝ 01101010 (106) (1)
color 2:
order 2:
▪⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝▪ 10000001 (129) (2)
order 3:
▪▪⬝▪⬝⬝⬝⬝ 11010000 (208) (2)
▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝ 10010010 (146) (2)
⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝▪⬝ 00011010 (26) (2)
⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪ 01001001 (73) (2)
⬝▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪ 01000011 (67) (2)
order 4:
⬝⬝▪▪⬝▪▪⬝ 00110110 (54) (2)
▪⬝▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝ 10101100 (172) (2)
order 5:
⬝▪▪▪⬝▪⬝▪ 01110101 (117) (2)
H: A complete 3-uniform hypergraph on 8 vertices with 4 colors, cliques: 42, edges: 56
Maximal Color-Cliques
color 0:
order 2:
⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝ 00011000 (24) (0)
order 3:
▪▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝⬝ 11001000 (200) (0)
⬝⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝▪ 00101001 (41) (0)
⬝⬝▪⬝▪⬝▪⬝ 00101010 (42) (0)
⬝⬝▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝ 00101100 (44) (0)
▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝ 10110000 (176) (0)
▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝ 10000110 (134) (0)
▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪⬝▪ 10000101 (133) (0)
⬝▪⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝ 01010100 (84) (0)
⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪ 01100001 (97) (0)
order 4:
⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪ 01010011 (83) (0)
color 1:
order 3:
⬝⬝⬝⬝▪⬝▪▪ 00001011 (11) (1)
▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪⬝ 11000010 (194) (1)
▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪ 10010001 (145) (1)
▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝ 10001100 (140) (1)
⬝▪▪⬝▪⬝⬝⬝ 01101000 (104) (1)
⬝▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝ 01011000 (88) (1)
⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪⬝▪ 01000101 (69) (1)
order 4:
▪⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪ 10100011 (163) (1)
⬝⬝▪▪⬝▪▪⬝ 00110110 (54) (1)
color 2:
order 2:
⬝⬝⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝ 00010100 (20) (2)
⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝ 00001100 (12) (2)
order 3:
⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪▪ 00000111 (7) (2)
▪▪⬝▪⬝⬝⬝⬝ 11010000 (208) (2)
⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝▪ 00110001 (49) (2)
⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝⬝ 00111000 (56) (2)
⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪ 01001001 (73) (2)
⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝▪⬝ 01100010 (98) (2)
▪⬝⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪ 10001001 (137) (2)
order 4:
▪▪▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝ 11100100 (228) (2)
▪⬝⬝▪▪⬝▪⬝ 10011010 (154) (2)
color 3:
order 2:
⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪ 00000011 (3) (3)
▪⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝▪⬝ 10000010 (130) (3)
⬝⬝▪⬝⬝⬝▪⬝ 00100010 (34) (3)
⬝⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝ 00010010 (18) (3)
order 3:
▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝⬝▪ 11000001 (193) (3)
▪⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝⬝ 10101000 (168) (3)
▪⬝⬝▪⬝▪⬝⬝ 10010100 (148) (3)
⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝ 01110000 (112) (3)
⬝⬝▪⬝⬝▪⬝▪ 00100101 (37) (3)
order 4:
⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝ 01001110 (78) (3)
⬝⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝▪ 00011101 (29) (3)
H: A complete 4-uniform hypergraph on 8 vertices with 2 colors, cliques: 34, edges: 70
Maximal Color-Cliques
color 0:
order 3:
⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝▪ 00011001 (25) (0)
order 4:
▪▪▪⬝⬝▪⬝⬝ 11100100 (228) (0)
⬝⬝⬝▪▪▪▪⬝ 00011110 (30) (0)
▪▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝ 11011000 (216) (0)
⬝⬝▪⬝▪▪▪⬝ 00101110 (46) (0)
▪⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝⬝ 10111000 (184) (0)
⬝⬝▪▪⬝▪▪⬝ 00110110 (54) (0)
▪⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝ 10011100 (156) (0)
order 5:
▪▪▪⬝▪⬝▪⬝ 11101010 (234) (0)
▪▪▪⬝▪⬝⬝▪ 11101001 (233) (0)
▪▪⬝▪⬝▪▪⬝ 11010110 (214) (0)
▪▪⬝▪⬝▪⬝▪ 11010101 (213) (0)
⬝▪▪▪⬝⬝▪▪ 01110011 (115) (0)
▪⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪▪ 10100111 (167) (0)
⬝▪⬝⬝▪▪▪▪ 01001111 (79) (0)
color 1:
order 4:
⬝⬝⬝▪⬝▪▪▪ 00010111 (23) (1)
▪▪▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝ 11110000 (240) (1)
▪▪⬝⬝▪▪⬝⬝ 11001100 (204) (1)
⬝⬝▪⬝▪⬝▪▪ 00101011 (43) (1)
▪▪⬝⬝⬝⬝▪▪ 11000011 (195) (1)
▪⬝▪▪⬝▪⬝⬝ 10110100 (180) (1)
▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝▪⬝ 10110010 (178) (1)
⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝▪⬝ 00111010 (58) (1)
▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝⬝▪ 10110001 (177) (1)
⬝▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝▪ 01011001 (89) (1)
⬝▪⬝▪▪⬝▪⬝ 01011010 (90) (1)
▪⬝▪⬝▪▪⬝⬝ 10101100 (172) (1)
⬝▪▪⬝⬝▪⬝▪ 01100101 (101) (1)
⬝▪▪⬝⬝▪▪⬝ 01100110 (102) (1)
▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪▪⬝ 10001110 (142) (1)
▪⬝⬝⬝▪▪⬝▪ 10001101 (141) (1)
order 5:
⬝▪▪▪▪▪⬝⬝ 01111100 (124) (1)
⬝⬝▪▪▪▪⬝▪ 00111101 (61) (1)
▪⬝⬝▪▪⬝▪▪ 10011011 (155) (1)