A very recent example is Eric Larson's 2018 dissertation The maximal rank conjecture [Lar1], which proves the following old conjecture:
Conjecture. (Maximal rank conjecture) Let $C \subseteq \mathbb P^r$ be a general Brill-Noether¹ curve. Then the restriction map
$$H^0(\mathbb P^r, \mathcal O_{\mathbb P^r}(k)) \to H^0(C, \mathcal O_C(k))$$
has maximal rank, i.e. is injective if $h^0(\mathbb P^r, \mathcal O(k)) \leq h^0(C, \mathcal O(k))$ and surjective otherwise.
Historical remarks.
Although I have been unable to find a definite place where this conjecture was stated, it is attributed to M. Noether by Arbarello and Ciliberto [AC83, p. 4]. Cases of the problem have been studied by M. Noether [Noe82, §8], Castelnuovo [Cas93, §7], and Severi [Sev15, §10].
In modern days, the conjecture had regained attention by 1982 [Har82, p. 79]. Partial results from around that time are mentioned in the introduction to [Lar2].
Larson's work culminates a lot of activity, including many papers by himself with other authors. An overview of the proof and how the different papers fit together is given in [Lar3].
[AC83] E. Arbarello and C. Ciliberto, Adjoint hypersurfaces to curves in $\mathbb P^n$ following Petri. In: Commutative algebra (Trento, 1981). Lect. Notes Pure Appl. Math. 84 (1983), p. 1-21. ZBL0516.14024.
[Cas93] G. Castelnuovo, Sui multipli di una serie lineare di gruppi di punti appartenente ad una curva algebrica. Palermo Rend. VII (1893), p. 89-110. ZBL25.1035.02.
[Har82] J. D. Harris, Curves in projective space. Séminaire de mathématiques supérieures, 85 (1982). Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal. ZBL0511.14014.
[Lar1] E. K. Larson, The maximal rank conjecture. PhD dissertation, 2018.
[Lar2] E. K. Larson, The maximal rank conjecture. Preprint, arXiv:1711.04906.
[Lar3] E. K. Larson, Degenerations of Curves in Projective Space and the Maximal Rank Conjecture. Preprint, arXiv:1809.05980.
[Noe82] M. Nöther, Zur Grundlegung der Theorie der algebraischen Raumcurven. Abh. d. K. Akad. d. Wissensch. Berlin (1882). ZBL15.0684.01.
[Sev15] F. Severi, Sulla classificazione delle curve algebriche e sul teorema d’esistenza di Riemann. Rom. Acc. L. Rend. 24.5 (1915), p. 877-888, 1011-1020. ZBL45.1375.02.
¹ Brill-Noether curves form a suitable component of the Kontsevich moduli space $\overline M_g(\mathbb P^r, d)$ of stable maps $\phi \colon C \to \mathbb P^r$ from a genus $g$ curve whose image has degree $d$.