But I don't have a clear proof that the sequence always terminates in a loop. – Martin Erickson
Here is a proof that the sequence always terminates in a loop.
Let $A, B$ be consecutive arrays in the sequence, and c(X) denote the number of columns in array X.
Claim 1. $c(A) \leq c(B)$.
Proof. Trivial.
Claim 2. $$\sum_{i=1}^{c(B)} B[2,i] = 2 c(A).$$
Proof. By the sequence definition, the second row of each subsequent array contains the multiplicities of elements of the preceding array, and thus the sum of multiplicities equals the total number of elements in the preceding array. QED
Now, let $A', A, B$ be three consecutive arrays in the sequence.
Claim 3. Let $m\geq 5$ be an odd integer such that no element $B$ exceeds $m$. Then no element larger than $m$ can appear in subsequent arrays (while their size may eventually grow up to $2\times m$).
Proof. Assume that a larger element $m'\geq m+1$ appears. Without loss of generality suppose that this happens in (the bottom row of) array $C$ that immediately follows $B$. By Claim 1, we have $c(A)\leq c(B)\leq c(C)\leq m$.
By Claim 2 and since $C$ contains $m'\geq m+1$ (while the other elements are at least 1),
$$m + c(C) \leq m' + (c(C)-1) \leq \sum_{i=1}^{c(C)} C[2,i] = 2c(B) \leq 2c(C)\leq 2m$$
implying that $c(B)=c(C)=m$ and $m'=m+1$.
Therefore, the top row of both $B$ and $C$ contains all integers from 1 to $m$.
The bottom row of $C$ consists of one number $m'=m+1$ and $m-1$ ones. If $m'$ appear under the number $k$, then bottom row of $B$ contains at least $m$ numbers $k$, whose sum must not exceed $2c(A)\leq 2m$, implying that $k\leq 2$. Consider two cases:
If $k=1$ then the bottom row of $B$ consists of all ones, implying that the elements of $A$ are the integers from $1$ to $m$ without repetitions, and hence $m$ is even, a contradiction proving that no element larger than $m$ may appear.
If $k=2$ then the bottom row of $B$ consists of all twos, implying that $c(A)=m$ and $A$ contains in each row all integers from 1 to $m$ so that the sum of its bottom row equal $1+2+\dots+m = m(m+1)/2.$
The inequality $m(m+1)/2 \leq 2c(A') \leq 2c(A) = 2m$ then implies that $m\leq 3$, that is not the case.
Claim 4. The sequence always terminates in a loop.
Proof. By Claim 3, there exists an integer $m$ such that elements of the arrays in the sequence do not exceed $m$. By Claim 1 and since $c(X)\leq m$ for all $X$ in the sequence, the size (and hence the top row) of arrays stabilizes to a certain $c(X)=n$. Then by Claim 2, the sum of the bottom row stabilizes to $2n$. Since, there are only a finite number of compositions of $2n$ into the sum of $n$ positive integers (namely, $\binom{2n-1}{n}$), there exists only a finite number of distinct arrays that may appear after the size stabilization, implying that the sequence loops. QED
Claim 5. The length of the terminal loop is bounded by $\binom{2m-1}{m}$, where $m$ is defined as in Claim 3.
Proof. See proof of Claim 4.