Let ${\left( {{a_n}} \right)_{n \geqslant 0}}$ be a sequence of real numbers and ${H_n} = \det \left( {{a_{i + j}}} \right)_{i,j = 0}^{n - 1}$ the $n-$th Hankel determinant. The sequence ${\left( {{H_n}} \right)_{n \geqslant 0}}$ is sometimes called the “Hankel transform” of ${\left( {{a_n}} \right)_{n \geqslant 0}}.$
Is the following result known?
Let $a_0=1$, $a_{2^k-2}=(-1)^k$ for $k\ge2$ and $a_n=0$ else. Then $${\det \left( {{a_{i + j}}} \right)_{i,j = 0}^{n - 1}=r(n)}$$ where ${\left( {{r(n)}} \right)_{n \geqslant 0}}$ is the Golay-Rudin-Shapiro sequence defined by $$\begin{gathered} r(2n) = r(n), \hfill \\ r(2n + 1) = {( - 1)^n}r(n), \hfill \\ r(0) = 1. \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$