Given $n \times n$ board randomly filled with $x \in \{0, 1\}$. When you invert value in cell $x_{i,j}$, all corresponding values in $row_i$ and $col_j$ are inverted too. The goal is to fill the board only with zeroes.
I solved this task a long time ago for $n = 4$ in an old game. The question is how to find a rigorous proof that a solution exists $\forall n \in \mathbb{N}$?
I started to think in the following way. We can find all solutions for $n = 2$ and all of them would require less than $3$ steps to solve. So, because of $a \oplus1 = \overline a$ (this operation actually describes each step) and the parity of the number of columns/rows, we can say that solutions exist $\forall n = 2 ^ k$, because we will be able to solve each square $2 \times 2$ independently. But it doesn't help for $n = 3$, which actually has solutions for some cases.
I created a quick example to test here.