The classical one-dimensional case is: for $\alpha\in\langle0,1\rangle$ and $1<p<q<\infty$ such that $1/q=1/p-\alpha$, there is a constant $C_p>0$ depending on $p$ such that $$\|I_\alpha f\|_{L^q}\leq C_p \|f\|_{L^p}\, .$$
My question is: does a similar result hold for Fourier multiplier operator with symbol $\left(i\xi\right)^{-\alpha}$ (i.e. ${\cal A}_{\left(i\xi\right)^{-\alpha}}(u) = {\cal F}^{-1}\left( (i\xi)^{-\alpha}{\cal F}(u) \right)$)?
In the case of Riesz potential, we have absolute values in the symbol, but maybe the analogous result holds in this special one-dimensional case? I could not find it.