Let $\chi_{s,k}$ be the characteristic function of integers $n$ which are expressed as sum of $s$ positive $k$-th powers i.e $\chi_{s,k}(n)=1$ if and only if $n=a_1^k+\cdots+a_s^k.$ Examples of this type of functions is well-studied specially when $k$ and $s$ are of small values:
$\chi_{2,2}(n)=1 $ if and only if $v_p(n)\equiv 0 [2]$ for all $p\equiv 3 [4].$
$\chi_{3,2}(n)=1 $ if and only if $n\neq 4^m(8k+7).$ etc... Can someone help me by providing some references that make us understand the analytic properties of these functions?
Thanks in advance.