Let us address the first question. The condition
\sup \Big\{\frac{M(t)M(s/t)}{M(s)}: 0<s\le t\le 1\Big\}<\infty \tag{0}
can be rewritten as follows: $M(t)M(v)\le CM(tv)$ for some real $C>0$ and all $t$ and $v$ in $(0,1]$. Letting $N(t):=M(t)/C[>0]$, this can be further rewritten as
N(t)N(v)\le N(tv) \tag{1}
for $t$ and $v$ in $(0,1]$. For this (super)multiplicativity condition, such a "(super)additive" property as the convexity of $M$ (or equivalently, of $N$) seems of little, if any, help/relevance.
However, letting
n(s):=\ln N(e^{-s}) \tag{2}
for real $s\ge0$, we can rewrite (1) in the (super)additive form:
n(r)+n(s)\le n(r+s)\tag{3}
for real $r,s\ge0$. Also, (1) implies $N(1)\le1$, that is, $n(0)\le0$.
So, if the function $n$ is convex, then $n(r)+n(s)\le n(r+s)+n(0)\le n(r+s)$ for $r,s\ge0$, so that (3) follows.
Thus, condition (0) will hold if $M$ is a positive multiple of a positive function $N$ on $[0,\infty)$ such that $N(1)\le1$ and the function $n$ defined by (2) is convex.
In particular, if $M(t)=Ct^b$ for positive $C$ and $b$, then (0) obviously holds and, on the other hand, for $N(t)=M(t)/C=t^b$ we have $n(s)=-bs$, which is convex in $s$.