
When atomhood is definable, the answer is clearly yes, so essentially the question is interesting primarily when we are working in ZF with extensionality weakened to apply only to inhabited sets. In this case, we may as well include the empty set with the atoms. So, if we have an elementary embedding from $V_0$ to $V_0$, we can turn this to an elementary embedding from $V$ to $V$. Obviously, an elementary embedding from $V_0$ to $V_0$ is just a self-injection. (I'm being a bit careless, since $V_0$ might not be a set.)

My question is then, do all the elementary embeddings arise this way?

  • $\begingroup$ Do you mean ZFCA? If not, note that Reinhardt cardinals are not known to be inconsistent with ZF ... (Also, "$V_0$" isn't common notation to denote the class of atoms so far as I know - note that usually it's just a notation for $\emptyset$.) $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 19:30
  • $\begingroup$ Also, related: mathoverflow.net/a/289625/8133. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 19:33
  • $\begingroup$ Also related: mathoverflow.net/q/136057/1946 One can think of atoms as Quine atoms and make a connection with anti-foundational theories. $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 31, 2017 at 19:44
  • $\begingroup$ For more information along these lines take a look at the following paper: arxiv.org/abs/1311.0814 $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 4, 2018 at 8:30

1 Answer 1


In ZFCA, the answer is yes, every elementary embedding $j:V\to V$ is the unique extension to $V$ of an injection on the atoms. If the class of atoms is a set, then it must be a permutation of the atoms.

On the one hand, every injection $\pi:A\to A$ on the class $A$ of atoms extends naturally to a map defined on all of $V$ by defining recursively $j_\pi(u)=\{j_\pi(x)\mid x\in u\}$ for any set $u$. This map will fix all pure sets and $j_\pi$ will be an isomorphism of $V=V(A)$ to the universe $V(\pi"A)$ built using atoms in the range of the original map. One can show that that structure is an elementary substructure of the universe when the class of atoms is a proper class. If $A$ is a set, then any permutation of $A$ extends to an automorphism of the universe $V$ by similar means.

Conversely, suppose that $j:V\to V$ is an elementary embedding. Let $\pi=j\upharpoonright A$ be the action of $j$ on the class of atoms. I claim that $j=j_\pi$. To see this, notice first that by restricting $j$ to the pure sets, those with no atoms in their transitive closure, we must get the identity embedding, because of the original ZFC version of the Kunen inconsistency. In particular, $j$ fixes every ordinal. It follows that $j(w)=j"w$ for any set of atoms, since we can well-order the set $w$ and then observe that $j$ must carry the $\alpha^{th}$ element to the $\alpha^{th}$ element and the length of the sequence does not get longer.

For any set of atoms $w$, we define the rank hierarchy by

  • $V_0(w)=w$
  • $V_{\alpha+1}(w)=P(V_\alpha(w))$
  • $V_\lambda()=\bigcup_{\alpha<\lambda}V_\alpha(w)$, at limits

Rank can also be defined by $\in$-recursion, and ZFCA proves that every set $u$ is in some $V_\alpha(w)$, where $w$ is the set of atoms in the transitive closure of $u$.

What I claim is that $j\upharpoonright V(w)$ is an isomorphism of $V(w)$ with $V(j''w)$. One can simply argue by induction on rank that $j$ carries $V_\alpha(w)$ to $V_\alpha(j"w)$, and furthermore, that it does so in the same way that $j_\pi$ does. If this is true at $\alpha$, then it is true at $\alpha+1$, using the fact that $j(V_{\alpha+1}(w))=V_{\alpha+1}(j(w))$, which follows from the fact that $j(\alpha)=\alpha$.

Thus, we conclude that $j=j_\pi$, and so yes, every elementary embedding from $V$ arises as the unique extension to $V$ of a map on the atoms.

In ZFA, without the axiom of choice, the question is open, since it contains the ZF Reinhardt cardinal as a special case. In the ZFCA argument above, we used the axiom of choice in order to know that $j$ fixes every ordinal, and also to know that $j(w)=j"w$ for any set $w$ of atoms. Without the axiom of choice, the question reduces to the Reinhardt cardinal question when there are no atoms.

(One might mention that just a few days ago, a preprint by Rupert McCallum appeared on the arXiv proposing a resolution of that longstanding open question. But the paper has yet to be fully vetted by the community.)


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