In Paul Halmos' Measure Theory book, section 53, he defines a content on a locally compact Hausdorff space to be a set function, $\lambda$ that is additive, subadditive, monotone, and $0\le\lambda(C)<\infty$ for all $C$ compact. The "Borel sets" he considers(section 52) in this book are the smallest $\sigma$-ring generated by the class of compact sets. The difference between $\sigma$-ring and $\sigma$-field is that the superset need not be contained. It can be shown, and is given as an exercise by Halmos, that the smallest $\sigma$-ring generated by compact sets is the same as the smallest $\sigma$-ring generated by open bounded sets. A bounded set is one that is contained in a compact set. Halmos then shows that a content induces a Borel Regular measure. He introduces the inner content and an outer measure in order to do so. Regular is the important word for this question. In fact, later in this chapter he proves the Riesz Representation Theorem, proving the existence of a Regular measure induced from positive linear functional of the continuous functions of compact support. In the next chapter, Halmos provides an existence proof of the Haar Measure by creating a left-invariant content, which then induces a Regular measure.
The issue I am having is that in almost every other source(books, wikipedia), the Haar Measure --and the Reisz-Rep measure which is related because one can prove the existence via a left or right invariant functional--is a Radon measure. A Radon measure is outer regular on Borel sets, finite on compact sets, and inner regular on open sets and Borel sets with finite measure. I do realize that in the other books, the Borel sets are the smallest $\sigma$-algebra generated by open sets.
The questions I have are:
1) Is the Borel $\sigma$-ring generated by compact sets in a locally compact Hausdorff space the same as the Borel $\sigma$-field generated by the open sets. I think the answer is no. One reason is a $\sigma$-ring and and the other is a $\sigma$-field. I don't even think that the $\sigma$-ring generated by compact sets is the same as the $\sigma$-ring generated by open sets. I think the best you can say is bounded open sets(mentioned above). Perhaps they are the same when the space is separable. Is this true? Is the $\sigma$-algebra generated by compact sets the same as the $\sigma$-algebra generated by the open sets the same.
2)Although this questions is more about basic measure theory than the Haar measure, in the end I want to show that the measure Halmos created is the same as the one constructed in most other books. In order to do this, I need to go from a measure defined on the $\sigma$-ring generated on compact sets to the $\sigma$-field generated by open sets. How do I do this?
Thank you in advance for all the help.