This conjecture comes from an observation on simulations of the matrix variate noncentral Beta distribution (similar to this observation, but I open a new question because yet I'm not sure it is exactly the same).
Let $p \geq 1$ be an integer, $a,b > \frac{p-1}{2}$, $\Theta$ a positive scalar $p \times p$-matrix $\Theta = \text{diag}(\theta, \ldots, \theta)$ and $U$ a symmetric $p \times p$-matrix satisfying $0 < U < I_p$. The conjecture is: $$ \int_{S >0} {\det(S)}^{a+b-\frac12(p+1)} \exp\left(-\mathrm{tr}\left(\frac{S}{2}\right)\right) {}_0\!F_1\left(b, \frac{1}{2}\Theta S^\frac12 U S^\frac12\right)\textrm{d}S \\ = 2^{a+b}\Gamma_p(a+b){}_1\!F_1(a+b, b, \Theta U). $$ According to this paper by Constantine (page 1280), the integral in the LHS is difficult to evaluate unless $\Theta$ is a scalar matrix. This suggests that this integral can be simplified but I don't find the result in the literature.
Do you have a reference for this result, or a proof?