Let $Q_1, \ldots, Q_k$ and $P_1,\ldots, P_m$ be irredicable homogenous polynomials in $\mathbb{C}[x_0,\ldots, x_n]$ such that $V(Q_1, \ldots, Q_k) \subseteq \cup_i V(P_i)$. Here $V$ is projective variety.
Question 1: Is it true that for some $j$: $V(Q_1, \ldots, Q_k) \subseteq V(P_j)$?
I believe that the answer is "No". So, I also ask:
Question 2: What is the answer for the Question 1 for polynomials $Q_1, \ldots, Q_k$ and $P_1,\ldots, P_m$ of degree at most $2$?