I am writing a paper on the topology of the Golomb space and need a good (standard) reference to the following
General Chinese Remainder Theorem. For integer numbers $a_1,\dots,a_n$ and positive integers $b_1,\dots,b_n$ the intersection $\bigcap_{i=1}^n(a_i+b_i\mathbb Z)$ is not empty if and only if $a_i-a_j\in d_{i,j}\mathbb Z$ for any $1\le i<j\le n$, where $d_{ij}$ denotes the largest common divisor of the numbers $b_i,b_j$.
Looking at the internet, I found this paper in which the General Chinese Remainder Theorem is formulated as an exercise and another paper in which this theorem is proved.
But I am suspecting that such General Chinese Remainder Theorem should be proved in some standard (undergraduate) textbook in Number Theory. I need it for a proper reference. Please help!
I understand that this is rather a reference request and not a problem of research level. In case of downvotes I will delete it as soon as will get a proper answer from experts.