Articles from the Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul, 2014 don't appear to be on Mathscinet. Why is this?
(Someone pointed this out to me recently, and I was reminded of it today when I tried to cite a lecture.)
Articles from the Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul, 2014 don't appear to be on Mathscinet. Why is this?
(Someone pointed this out to me recently, and I was reminded of it today when I tried to cite a lecture.)
We have had difficulty obtaining the requisite permissions from the publisher. The ICM2014 website has the Legal Disclaimer: "The Seoul ICM Organizing Committee, the legal copyright owner of the articles in the proceedings, hearby grants unlimited noncommercial download and use of the articles." This is not sufficient for our purposes. The most recent communication with them was this week. (Note: I'm the person @DanRamras wrote to.)
Update (2018.02.22). We have now received permission from the publisher, as well as physical copies of the proceedings. The papers are now in the database and available in MathSciNet. Further processing (such as reviews) is still to come. See ICM2014, Volume I, ICM2014, Volume II, ICM2014, Volume III, and ICM2014, Volume IV.
This is just a comment, in community-wiki format to make it easier to compactify links.
To expand on Ed Dunne's reply, it may be helpful to note that each ICM organizing committee makes its own arrangements about formal publication of proceedings. For the Seoul ICM see Seoul and for PDF files of their four volumes of proceedings see here. Presumably in due time all of this will be incorporated into the ICM site, where one can find older proceedings: ICM.
Nowadays most people post earlier manuscripts on the arXiv, but of course they are more troublesome to track down. In any case, the ICM databases of speakers and sessions are useful because published proceedings are usually organized into several volumes.