Let $A_r = \{z\in\mathbb{C}: |z|\leq 1\}\cup\{z\in\mathbb{C}: |z-1|\leq r\}$ be the unit disk with a small "bump" (I'm interested in the regime $r\to 0$). What can be said about the logarithmic capacity of $A_r$? I can prove that there exists a constant $\gamma>0$ such that $\mathop{\mathrm{cap}}(A_r)=\gamma r^2 + $terms of smaller order, but have no idea about how to obtain the value of $\gamma$.
Related to the above question: is there any useful explicit form of the conformal mapping of $\{z\in\mathbb{C}: \Im(z)\leq 0\}$ to $\{z\in\mathbb{C}: \Im(z)\leq 0\}\cup \{z\in\mathbb{C}: |z|\leq 1\}$?