For simplicity, let us consider a function $f$ holomorphic on a domain $D \subseteq \mathbb{C}^2$. We may therefore write $f$ as a sum of power series $$f(z) = \sum_{\nu_1 \nu_2 =0}^{\infty} c_{\nu_1 \nu_2}(z_1 - w_1)^{\nu_1} (z_2 - w_2)^{\nu_2}.$$
We should also note that the domain of convergence of a power series in $>1$ complex variable is not a polydisk as one would expect, but rather a logarithmically convex Reinhardt domain.
In the case of one complex variable, the standard way of determining the radius of convergence is by means of the ratio test. Is there an analogous "standard approach" for determining the domain of convergence of a power series of two complex variables?
For example, the power series $$\frac{1}{1 - z_1z_2} = \sum_{\nu=0}^{\infty} z_1^{\nu} z_2^{\nu}$$ converges for $\left| z_1 z_2 \right| <1$, while the series $$\frac{z_1}{(1-z_1)(1-z_2)} = \sum_{\left| k \right| =0}^{\infty} z_1^{k_1 + 1} z_2^{k_2}$$ converges in the bidisk $\{ \left| z_1 \right|< 1, \left| z_2 \right| < 1\}$, completed by the complex line $\{ z_1 =0 \}$.
[Reference: Shabat's Introduction to Complex analysis].