This question follows this one , where I defined convolution of $\ell$-adic/perverse sheaves.
Here I am working with a perfect field $k$ ($char(k)\neq l$) and with a smooth separated groupscheme $G$ of finite type over $k$. I consider $\phi: G\rightarrow G$ a group homomorphism, and I would like to know under which conditions (on $G$, $k$) such a morphism is always proper (resp. smooth).
My goal is to understand the behaviour of convolution under group homomorphisms and to show some properties, for instance that for any group homomorphism $\phi: G\rightarrow G$ and all objects $K$, $L$ of $D^b_c(G,\overline{\mathbb{Q}_l})$, one has $$R(\phi,\phi)_*(K\times L)=(R\phi_*K\times R\phi_*L)$$
(which seems to be true, at least in the case of $\mathcal{D}$-modules).
Or that, given $\phi: G\rightarrow H$ a group homomorphism between separated smooth groupschemes of finite type over $k$, then $$\phi^*((R\phi_!K)\star_!L)=K\star_! (\phi^*L)$$ for any $K$ on $G$ and $L$ on $H$.
This would be alright if I could apply smooth or proper base changes to diagrams involving $\phi$, which I'm not sure I can (at least for proper base change).
I thank you for your help !