Hi, I have this math modeling problem that I need help with. If I have 3 data sources, each being updated at different frequencies, what would be the best way to rank them so the less frequent sources don't get pushed down too quickly? In other words, I want the less likely source to be "weighed down" in its spot. Also, the frequencies of the data source are not consistent.
I was trying to think of the problem in some sort of a bayesian update/inference/learning way but I couldn't properly describe it. Something like "what is the probability that data source A will be in rank position 1" but I'm not sure if that's the right track. I have limited probability experience. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
I don't need the exact solution or anything, just want to be pointed in the direction. I don't have a breadth of mathematical knowledge, but I should be proficient enough to figure it out if anyone can provide articles, papers, examples, etc.
Thanks for the help.