For $A, B \subseteq \omega$ we set $A \leq_{\text{inj}} B$ if there is an injective and order-preserving map $f:\omega\to \omega$ , such that $f(A)$ is a down-set of $B$. It is easy to see that $\leq_{\text{inj}}$ is an ordering relation on ${\cal P}(\omega)$. (This is different from the lexicographic ordering discussed in another post.)
Let us compare the two posets $({\cal P}(\omega), \subseteq)$ and $({\cal P}(\omega), \leq_{\text{inj}})$: Are there surjective order-preserving maps between them, in either direction?
EDITED: Where down-set is printed above, I had the weaker (and confusing) condition $f(A)\subseteq B$ which doesn't make sense, as Andreas Blass pointed out.