This is a crosspost from Math.SE.
Is there a known increasing sequence of positive integers $\{\textbf{a}\} = a_0<a_1<a_2<.....$ such that all the zeros $z_k$ on $\Re[z]>0$ of the complex function $F(z;\{\textbf{a}\})= \frac{1}{a_0^z}+\frac{1}{a_1^z}+\frac{1}{a_2^z}+.......$ with $F(z_k;\{\textbf{a}\})=0$ are such that $\Re[z_0]=\Re[z_1]=\Re[z_2]=... =c$ for some real number $c$? Also, if we are given an arbitrary real $c>0$ is there always a sequence $\{\textbf{a}\}$ with this property? Thank you.