We are given a rank $r$ matrix $B\in\Bbb Z^{k\times n}$ where $0\leq r\leq k\leq n$ holds.
We have $$\mathcal L_\Bbb Z=\{uB\in\Bbb Z^n:u\in\Bbb Z^k\}\subseteq\mathcal L_\Bbb Q=\{uB\in\Bbb Z^n:u\in\Bbb Q^k\}\subseteq\Bbb Z^n$$ $$\lambda_{i}(\mathcal L_\Bbb Q)\leq\lambda_{i}(\mathcal L_\Bbb Z)$$ where $\lambda_{i}(\mathcal L_\Bbb Z)$ and $\lambda_{i}(\mathcal L_\Bbb Q)$ are $i$th successive minima in $\infty$-norm of $\mathcal L_\Bbb Z$ and $\mathcal L_\Bbb Q$ respectively.
Can $\lambda_{i}(\mathcal L_\Bbb Z)-\lambda_{i}(\mathcal L_\Bbb Q)$ depend exponentially in $i$ and $\log \max_{m,m'}|B_{mm'}|$ only (not exponentially depend on $r,k,n$ particularly)?
I am mostly interested in the gap at $i=O(1)$ regime.