I'm currently trying to work through the material on Lorenz knots in the literature and there seems to be conflicting information.
On p. 66, in the Birman-Williams' paper Knotted Periodic Orbits in Dynamical System - Lorenz Equations (http://www.math.columbia.edu/~jb/bw-KPO-I.pdf), Theorem 6.4 states that there are Torus links which are not Lorenz links. However, in a more recent preprint on Lorenz Knots (available here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1201.0214.pdf), Joan Birman says on page 12 of the document that all Torus links are in fact Lorenz links. Indeed, this seems to draw upon something she proved with Ilya Kofman, where they introduced a new class of links known as T-links (which appears to be a generalised form of Torus links) and proved that there was a 1-to-1 correspondence between T-links and Lorenz links.
This seems to be an obvious contradiction - am I misunderstanding something?