I would like to know if there is something I can read to compute the following:
Let $H$ be a hyperelliptic curve of genus $2$ given by $y^2=x^5 + 10$ and let $J$ be its Jacobian.
How can I prove for a fixed prime $p$ of good reduction that in $J(\mathbb{F}_p)$ the element $D_0:=[(-1,3)-\infty]$ is not divisible by $5$.
This question can go deeper. Since $\text{End}(J)=\mathbb{Z}(\zeta)$ where $\zeta=e^{2\pi i/5}$ and $\sqrt{5}=2\zeta+2\zeta^4 + 1$, and $\zeta$ acts on $J$ by multiplication by $\zeta$ in the $x$ coordinates of the supports of the divisors of $J$ (since this is an automorphism of $H$ which extends naturally to $J$), maybe it is easier to prove that there is no $D\in J$ such that $\sqrt{5}D=D_0$.
In MAGMA I checked that the point $D_0$ has infinite order over $\mathbb{Q}$ but I am working with certain families of primes which I would like to deduce if there is divisibility by 5 or not, or "divisibility by $\sqrt{5}$" or not.
A nice thing is that I know the cardinality and the structure of $J(\mathbb{F}_p)\cong\mathbb{Z}/(\alpha)\times \mathbb{Z}/(\alpha)$ with the primes that I am using.
I tried in MAGMA to calculate the defining equations of the $\sqrt{5}$ endomorphism explicitly but I failed to construct the generic point of $J$.