I wanted to add a couple of examples in addition to those mentioned in the comments.
In algebra, Shelah's work on the Whitehead Problem established that the statement ``All Whitehead groups are free'' is independent of ZFC + CH. He originally proved the statement's independence from ZFC, and then developed forcing techniques for getting independence from ZFC + CH.
In set-theoretic topology, I've done a lot of work on building "interesting" models of ZFC+CH using iterated forcing. For example, the following statement is not decided by ZFC + CH:
"a first countable countably compact (=every infinite set has a point of accumulation) space is either compact or contains a subspace homeomorphic to $\omega_1$"
Counterexamples to this can be built from $\diamondsuit$; constructions due to Ostaszewski and Fedorcuk are the most well-known.
Independence from ZFC was established in a flush of results from the late 1980s involving Balogh, Dow, Fremlin, and Nyikos (and others as well). In particular, the statement is a consequence of PFA.
We established that the statement is consistent with ZFC + CH in joint work with Nyikos, so taken with the $\diamondsuit$ results we have the required independence.
The best result we have along these lines (done with Alan Dow) is that ZFC + CH is consistent with "compact countably tight spaces are sequential''.
Here a space $X$ is countably tight if whenever $x$ is in the closure a set $A\subseteq X$ if and only if $x$ is in the closure of a countable subset of $A$. A space $X$ is sequential if a subset $A$ of $X$ is closed if and only if it is sequentially closed. Roughly speaking, the statement "compact countably tight spaces are sequential" says that if the topology of a compact space is determined by its countable subsets, then it is determined by its convergent sequences".
Again, this statement is a consequence of PFA (a famous result of Balogh), and in the other direction $\diamondsuit$ provides us with counterexamples -- in fact, Fedorcuk showed that $\diamondsuit$ entails the existence of a compact countably tight hereditarily separable space of size $2^{\aleph_1}$ with no convergent sequences at all.
The work we did with Dow proves the statement is consistent with (and therefore independent from) ZFC + CH.