Let $\Sigma$ be a 2-sphere with a (smooth) Riemannian metric $g$ of nonnegative curvature. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a simple closed smooth curve on $\Sigma$. Then $\mathcal{C}$ splits $\Sigma$ into two components $\Sigma^+$, $\Sigma^-$. Set $S(t):=\{p\in\Sigma^+\mid d(\mathcal{C},p)=t\}$ where $d$ is the distance function induced by $g$. If I rememeber correctly, the length $L(t)$ of $S(t)$ is well-defined for almost all $t\geq 0$.
Is it true that $$|L(t_1)-L(t_2)|\leq 2\pi|t_1-t_2|$$ whenever defined? (At least when $S(t_1),S(t_2)$ are non-empty.)