For $T : R^n \to P({R^n})$ maximally monotone, the proximal point algorithm (step size $c>0$) $$ x^{k+1} = (I + c T)^{-1} x^k, $$ converges linearly with rate $\kappa = \frac{1}{1 + c \sigma}$ if $T$ is strongly monotone with parameter $\sigma > 0$.
I'm interested in analyzing the linear convergence rate in case of matrix-valued step sizes, i.e., $C \succ 0$, $$ x^{k+1} = (I + C T)^{-1} x^k. $$ I could only manage to prove a bound depending on $\lambda_{\text{min}}(C)$, while in practice I numerically observe that the convergence rate depends on the whole spectrum of $C$.
It seems like such a basic algorithm, so I am surprised that I could not find classic literature (e.g. by Rockafellar) on this topic.
Background: many proximal algorithms for solving problems of the form $$ \min_x \max_y~G(x) - F(y) + \langle Kx,y \rangle $$ such as Douglas-Rachford, ADMM or Chambolle-Pock fit the above setting of proximal point algorithms given a special choice of $C$. In case $G$ and $F$ are both strongly convex, $T$ is strongly monotone and my goal is to connect the linear convergence rate to the choice of metric/step size.