
I have a generating function that has a closed form like $1/(\log(z-a)+b)$ and I would like to get asymptotics for the size of the coefficients of it.

I was going to use the methods in Chapter 5 of Wilf's Generatingfunctionology using the singularities. However, there is a branch point of log(z-a) at z=a. In Section 5.3 of Wilf's book, he discusses how to handle algebraic singularities (e.g., the branch point at $z=1$ of $\sqrt{z-1}$, but I have not been able to find anything about how to handle branch points when the function is transcendental (like the log function that I am considering).

Are there any known techniques for handling the branch points of such functions? If so, would anyone have references they could provide on this, please?


3 Answers 3


See Chapter VI of Flajolet and Sedgewick, Analytic combinatorics, Cambridge 2009.


That method described in the book by Flajolet & Sedgewick is implemented in a Maple function "equivalent" of the Algolib library that you can download from http://algo.inria.fr/libraries/ . The code is not maintained any more, but still works in your example:

equivalent(1/(log(a-z)+b),z,n) assuming a>0;

$$\frac{a^{-n}}{n\log^2n}\left(1+O\left(\frac1{\log n}\right)\right),$$ (this is a slightly simplified form of the actual output). Note that compared with your initial question, I've changed log(z-a) into log(a-z) which makes more sense for a generating function.


see also

P. Flajolet & A. Odlyzko, "Singularity analysis of generating functions" Siam. J. Disc. Math. 3 (1990) 216--240


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