The following popular mathematical parable is well known:
A father left 17 camels to his three sons and, according to the will, the eldest son should be given a half of all camels, the middle son the one-third part and the youngest son the one-ninth. This is hard to do, but a wise man helped the sons: he added his own camel, the oldest son took 18/2=9 camels, the second son took 18/3=6 camels, the third son 18/9=2 camels and the wise man took his own camel and went away.
I ask for applications of this method: when something is artificially added, somehow used and, after that, taken away (as was this 18th camel of a wise man).
Let me start with two examples from graph theory:
We know Hall's lemma: if any $k=1,2,\dots$ men in a town like at least $k$ women in total, then all the men may get married so that each of them likes his wife. How to conclude the following generalized version?
If any $k$ men like at least $k-s$ women in total, then all but $s$ men may get married.
Proof. Add $s$ extra women (camel-women) liked by all men. Apply usual Hall lemma, after that say pardon to the husbands of extra women.
This is due to Noga Alon, recently popularized by Gil Kalai. How to find a perfect matching in a bipartite $r$-regular multigraph? If $r$ is a power of 2, this is easy by induction. Indeed, there is an Eulerian cycle in every connected component. Taking edges alternatively we partition our graph onto two $r/2$-regular multigraphs. Moreover, we get a partition of edges onto $r$ perfect matchings. Now, if $r$ is not a power of 2, take large $N$ and write $2^N=rq+t$, $0<t<r$. Replace each edge of our multigraph onto $q$ edges, also add extra edges formed by arbitrary $t$ perfect matchings. This new multigraph may be partitioned onto $2^N$ perfect matchings, and if $N$ is large enough, some of them do not contain extra edges.