Alice and Bob play the following zero-sum game, parametrized by two integers $m$ and $k$:
- Alice picks $m$ sets, each of which has $k$ items.
- Bob colors some items in green.
- Bob's score is the number of distinct singletons, where a singleton is defined as a green item contained in a set in which all other $k-1$ items are uncolored (if there are several different sets with the same single green item, only one is counted towards Bob's score).
What is the highest score Bob can guarantee to himself, as a function of $m$ and $k$?
A lower bound is $\Omega(m^{1/k})$. Proof. Suppose Bob colors each item in the world (=the union of all Alice's sets) with probability $p$, independently of the others. The probability of each item to be a singleton is: $p\cdot(1-p)^{k-1}$; this is maximized when $p=1/k$, and the maximum is at least $1/(e\cdot k)$. Then, the expected number of singletons is at least $n/(e\cdot k)$, where $n$ is the world size. Therefore, Bob can always guarantee to himself a score in $\Omega(n/k)$. The number of sets $m$ is at most ${n \choose k}$ which is at most $(n\cdot e/k)^k$, so $n \in \Omega(k\cdot m^{1/k})$, so Bob's score is in $\Omega(m^{1/k})$.
An upper bound is $O(k\cdot m^{1/k})$. Proof. Alice can choose $n$ such that $m={n \choose k}$, and select all $k$-element subsets of the integers $1,\ldots,n$. Bob can get at most $n$ singletons. In fact he can get exactly $n-k+1$ singletons, by coloring all items except $1,...,k-1$. So Bob's score is in $O(n) = O(k\cdot m^{1/k})$.
So what is the correct expression? Can Alice always force Bob to get at most $O(m^{1/k})$? Or can Bob always get at least $\Omega(k\cdot m^{1/k})$?