It is well-known (at least well-known enough to be on Wikipedia) that there are quite simple graphs whose matching polynomials
$$M(G;x) = \sum_{m\geq 0} (-1)^m \#\{\text{matchings with $m$ edges}\}\, x^{\#V(G)-2m}$$
are essentially equivalent to the Chebyshev polynomials of both kinds ($C_n$ and $P_n$ respectively), the Laguerre polynomials with integer parameter ($K_{m,n}$), and the Hermite polynomials ($K_n$).
On the other hand, my literature searches don't seem to get any results for graphs closely related to the Legendre polynomials in this way. I was wondering if there is a known construction, or a proof of impossibility, for a statement like: "There exists a family of graphs $G_n$ for which $M(G_n;x)=aP_n(bx)$, where $a$ and $b$ may depend on $n$ but not on $x$."
[Optimally $b$ would not depend on $n$, but at this point I would be happy either way.]