Let $n >1$ be an integer, and suppose $G = (V,E)$ is a simple undirected graph with $V = \{1,\ldots,n\}$. For $v\in V$ set $N(v) = \{w\in V: \{v,w\} \in E\}$.
It is known by Vizing's theorem that the edges of $G$ can be colored with $\Delta(G)+1$ colors (where $\Delta(\cdot)$ denotes the maximum degree), and of course we have $\Delta(G)+1 \leq n$.
We call an edge-coloring $c:E\to \{1,\ldots,n\}$ good if for all $x\neq y\in V$ with $\{x,y\} \in E$ we have $c(\{x,y\}) \in N(x)\cup N(y).$
Question. Does every graph $G=(\{1,\ldots,n\},E)$ have a good edge-coloring?