Let $H$ be a (multiplicative) monoid, and denote by $H^\times$ the set of units of $H$ and by $\mathcal A(H)$ the set of atoms of $H$ (let me recall that an element $a \in H$ is an atom if (i) $a \notin H^\times$ and (ii) $a = xy$ for some $x, y \in H$ implies $x \in H^\times$ or $y \in H^\times$). Given $x \in H \setminus H^\times$, we take $$ {\sf L}_H(x) := \{k \in \mathbf N^+: x = a_1 \cdots a_k \text{ for some }a_1, \ldots, a_k \in \mathcal A(H)\}; $$ moreover, we assume ${\sf L}_H(1_H) := \{0\}$ and ${\sf L}_H(u) := \emptyset$ for all $u \in H^\times \setminus \{1_H\}$. It is said that $H$ is atomic if ${\sf L}_H(x) \ne \emptyset$ for every $x \in H \setminus H^\times$, and a BF-monoid if $H$ is atomic and ${\sf L}_H(x)$ is finite for all $x \in H$. On the other hand, we call $H$ unit-cancellative provided that $xy = x$ or $yx = x$ for some $x, y \in H$ only if $y \in H^\times$.
Cancellative monoids are, of course, unit-cancellative, and it is an easy exercise to check that if $H$ is commutative or unit-cancellative, then $H^\times$ is a divisor-closed subgroup of $H$ (that is, $xy \in H^\times$ for some $x, y \in H$ only if $x, y \in H^\times$). So here is my question:
Q. What about the existence of a (non-commutative, non-unit-cancellative) BF-monoid $H$ for which $H^\times$ is not a divisor-closed subgroup of $H$?