Let $X\neq \emptyset$. A set $L\subseteq {\cal P}(X)$ is said to be a projective plane on $X$ if the following conditions are met:
- if $x\neq y\in X$ there is a unique $l\in L$ such that $x, y \in l$,
- if $l\neq m \in L$, then we have $|l\cap m | = 1$,
- there are four distinct elements of $X$ such that no member of $L$ contains more than $2$ of the four.
What is the maximal cardinality of a collection ${\cal C}$ of projective geometries on $\omega$ such that no two distinct members of ${\cal C}$ are isomorphic? (The notion of ismorphism of projective planes is defined below.)
Note. If $L, M$ are projective planes on $X$, we say they are isomophic if there is a bijection $\varphi: X\to X$ such that $l\in L$ if and only if $\varphi(l) \in M$.