
Let a generalised exponential function exp_{m,n} (I'm not sure if this notation is already used by anything else) be defined as such, for n a positive integer and m between 0 and n-1 (inclusive):

exp_{m,n} (x) = sum of (x^(nk+m)/(nk+m)!) as k ranges from 0 to infinity.

(e.g., cosh = exp_{0,2}, sinh = exp_{1,2}.) What are the closed forms for such generalised exponentials (for arbitrary n) in terms of real transformations of the elementary functions? Using e^(ωx) (where ω is a primitive cube root of 1) a closed form for exp_{1,3} - exp_{2,3} can be obtained, but I'm not sure about the individual functions.


4 Answers 4


The general closed form is a sum of linear combinations of terms of the form e^{zeta x} where zeta is an nth root of unity. One way to see this is that f = exP_{m,n} satisfies the differential equation f^{(n)} = f. If you'd like to look up exactly what this linear combination is, the keyword is "discrete Fourier transform."


This can be done starting with any power series and is called series multisection.


The differential equation given by Qiaochu f(n) = f can be solved by means of the Laplace transform. We obtain:

snF(s)-s(n-m-1) = F(s)

The second term originates from the unvanishing m-th derivative of f(x). All other derivatives up to (n-1) vanish.

Applying the inverse Laplace transform, one finds that the coefficient of exp(ωix) in the expansion is:

ωi(-m-1)/i, where ωi is the i-th n-th root of unity


Ricatti seems to have studied the "generalized hyperbolic functions" way way back, and there's also the Mittag-Leffler function (your original function is expressible in terms of Mittag-Leffler) that frequently crops up in the fractional calculus. You might want to try searching for papers on these things.


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