Let $T$ be a triangulated category and $A$ and abelian full subcategory of $T$. Consider the Yoneda extension groups $Ext_{A}^n$. For any two objects $X$ and $Y$ of $A$ here is a map $$ Ext^n_A(X, Y) \longrightarrow Hom_T(X, Y[n]). $$
I am looking for a reference for this theorem: assume that $A$ is admissible (meaning that every short exact sequence in $A$ comes from a distinguished triangle in $T$) and stable under extension. Then the above map is an isomorphism for $n=1$ and injective for $n=2$.
To be honest, I am not completely sure that this is true in this generality. I have seen people using this when $A$ is the heart of a t-structure on $T$ (which is an example of full admissible abelian category), but I couldn't find any reference in BBD.