I must find the Cartan 1-form for $Sp(2)$ before I start dealing with the natural connection of the Hopf fibration $S^3 \hookrightarrow S^7 \overset{\mathcal P}\to S^4$. To do so, the idea is to look at the restriction of the Cartan 1-form of $G = GL(2,\mathbb H)$ to $Sp(2)$. Now if $g = \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\c & d\end{pmatrix}\in GL(2,\mathbb H)$ is any given matrix, this 1-form is written as
$$\Theta_G(g) = g^{-1} dq$$
Question: (Here I will adress to the question itself by showing what I have done so far).
Using the Schur complement for $g$ we may write $g^{-1}$, assuming $a \neq 0$, as follows
$$g^{-1} = \begin{pmatrix}a^{-1} + a^{-1}b a_s^{-1}ca^{-1} & -a^{-1}b a_s^{-1} \\ -a_s^{-1}ca^{-1} & a_s^{-1}\end{pmatrix}$$ where $a_s^{-1} = d - ca^{-1}b$. Now, if $g \in Sp(2)$ then $g^{-1} = \bar g^T$, that is,
$$\begin{pmatrix}a^{-1} + a^{-1}b a_s^{-1}ca^{-1} & -a^{-1}b a_s^{-1} \\ -a_s^{-1}ca^{-1} & a_s^{-1}\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \bar a & \bar c \\ \bar b & \bar d\end{pmatrix}$$ which in turn gives
$$\begin{cases}a^{-1} + a^{-1}b a_s^{-1}ca^{-1} &= \bar a \\-a^{-1}b a_s^{-1} &= \bar c\\-a_s^{-1}ca^{-1} &= \bar b \\ a_s^{-1} &= \bar d \end{cases}\tag{*}$$ Since $g$ is invertible $a_s$ is nonzero and we may write $a_s^{-1} = \frac{\bar a_s}{|a_s|^2}$. Well, by $(*)$
$$\bar d = a_s^{-1} \implies d = \overline{a_s^{-1}} = \frac{a_s}{|a_s|^2}$$ Then, $d = \frac{d - ca^{-1}b}{|d-ca^{-1}b|^2}$, and this is true only if $ca^{-1}b = 0$ and $|d|^2 = 1$, which gives that either $c=0$ or $b=0$ and $|d|^2 = 1$, and again by $(*)$, implies that $c = b = 0$ and $|d|^2=1$. Now
$$g^{-1}dq = \begin{pmatrix}\bar a & 0 \\ 0 & d\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}dq^{11} & dq^{12}\\ dq^{21} & dq^{22}\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} \bar a\ dq^{11} & \bar a\ dq^{12}\\ d\ dq^{21} & d \ dq^{22}\end{pmatrix} $$ We have that any element of $T_g (Sp(2))$ can be written as $\eta'(0)$, where $\eta$ is a smooth curve in $Sp(2)$ with $\eta(0)=g $. In terms of the coordinates $q^{ij}$ we have
$$(\iota \circ \eta) (t) = \begin{pmatrix}q^{11}((\iota \circ \eta)(t)) & dq^{12}((\iota \circ \eta)(t))\\ dq^{21}((\iota \circ \eta)(t)) & dq^{22}((\iota \circ \eta)(t))\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}a (t) & 0 \\ 0 & d(t)\end{pmatrix}$$ But by $g\bar g^t = id$ we have $a (t) \bar a(t) = 1$, differentiating at $t= 0$ we obtain $a'(0) \bar a(0) + a(0)\bar a'(0) = 0$, so
$$a'(0) \bar a + a \bar a '(0) = 0 $$ From which we may conclude that $\mathrm{Re} (\bar a'(0)) = 0$. We remember that $a'(0) = dq^{11} (\iota_{\ast g} (\eta'(0)))$. So
$$\mathrm{Re} (\bar a\ dq^{11} (\iota_{\ast g} (\eta'(0)))) = \mathrm{Re} (\bar a a'(0)) = 0$$ In other words the restriction $\Theta_H(g) = \iota^* \Theta_G(g)$ is the restriction of $\mathrm{Im} (\bar q^{11}dq^{11})$ to $Sp(2)$.
1) This is not the general answer, because it was supposed to be the restriction of $\mathrm {Im}(\bar q^{11} dq^{11} + \bar q^{21} dq^{21})$;
2) In the case $GL(2,\mathbb C)$ I had no problem showing this, due to the much friendlier aspect of the matrix $g^{-1}$, and everything seemed to go according to plans. This case though I couldn't work it through.
3) This is not some exercise, I'm actually working on this. This is something I need to prove to get a result.
Could someone, please, give me some insight, maybe point me in the right direction?
what should I do?