I don't actually know places in the literature where induced maps from representations have been studied (except from the Brauer lift used in Quillen's computation of K-theory of finite fields). The following are some remarks and observations which partially answer the question.
As a first remark, I assume that the plus-construction applied to $BG$ is the one for the maximal perfect subgroup. If the maximal perfect subgroup is trivial, then $BG\to BG^+$ is a homotopy equivalence and then $\rho^n=0$ for $n>1$. This happens e.g. for abelian groups. It also happens for $p$-groups, since any $p$-group strictly contains its commutator subgroup and therefore the maximal perfect subgroup must be trivial (which answers the last question).
Although the Kan-Thurston theorem allows to write any path-connected space as $BG^+$ for some discrete group, this group will usually be infinite. If you allow infinite groups, then $G=GL(k)$ will give a surjective map trivially. For $G$ finite, there are strong restrictions on the homotopy type of $BG^+$. Some information on the homotopy groups of $BG^+$ for finite groups can be found in
R. Levi: On finite groups and homotopy theory. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 118, 1995.
F.R. Cohen and R. Levi: On the homotopy theory of $p$-completed classifying spaces. In: Group representations: cohomology, group actions and topology. Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 63, Amer. Math. Soc., 1998.
The homotopy groups of $BG^+$ for finite perfect groups are torsion, so the maps $\rho^n$ can only be surjective if the K-groups of the field $k$ are finite which will probably be very rare. For $k=\mathbb{F}_q$, one can of course use $GL_n(\mathbb{F}_q)$ to get surjections on K-groups in degrees below $n$ (by the stabilization theorem).
In general, it would seem more appropriate to ask if a particular torsion class lies in the image of a map $\rho^n$ for some finite group. For algebraically closed fields of characteristic $p$, all the torsion classes lie in the image of some representation, this follows from the above observation for $k=\mathbb{F}_q$ and Suslin's rigidity theorem. Maybe the Brauer lift used by Quillen for the computation of K-theory of finite fields allows to show that torsion in the algebraic K-theory of $\mathbb{C}$ can be represented using representations of finite groups.