I am currently looking into the Segal-Machine for constructing spectra. I am working with his original article . The first thing that confuses me is the spectrum that arises from a $\Gamma$-space is not pointed. Should I just assume a disjoint basepoint?
The second question is regarding the $K$-Theory of a $C^*$-Algebra. I think if I have a $C^*$-Algebra $A$ and the category $\mathcal{C}$ of finitely generated projective modules over $A$ as a topological category, then the Segal Machine applied to $\mathcal{C}$ gives me the connective topological $K$-Theory-spectrum $K^{top}(A)$. I have been told that it's not too difficult to get the non-connective version from that with Bott periodicity.
Could somebody give me the rough outline of the argument? Thank you!