Fix $\ell \geq 3$, $r \geq 2$ and $1 \leq k \leq \ell - 1$ and $z_1, \ldots, z_\ell \in \mathbb{C}$ with $z_i \neq 0$ for all $i$ and $z_i \neq z_j$ for all $i \neq j$. Now consider the (irreducible, non-homogeneous) polynomials
$q_i = z_{\ell}x_i^r - z_ix_{\ell}^r - (z_{\ell} - z_i)$ for $1 \leq i < \ell$ and
$p = z_\ell x_0^{r + k} - x_1\cdots x_k(1 - x_{\ell}^r)$
in $R = \mathbb{C}[x_0, \ldots, x_{\ell}]$. I am interested in the ideal $I = (q_1, \ldots, q_{\ell - 1}, p) \subset R$. After having computed examples using Sage/Singular, I think that $I$ is prime, but I don't see how to prove this. Does anyone know some method which could be applied to this ideal to check if it is prime?