A finite dimensional algebra A is called (n-)Igusa-Todorov in case there exists a module V such that for any module M there is an exact sequence: $0 \rightarrow V_2 \rightarrow V_1 \rightarrow \Omega^{n}(M) \oplus P \rightarrow 0$, where $P$ is projective and $V_i \in \mathrm{add}(V)$. See this 2009 paper by Jiaqun Wei (ScienceDirect link).
In the same paper there is the problem, wheter any algebra is Igusa-Todorov. What is the status of this problem? How about selfinjective $A$? (Then the $n$ does not matter since $\Omega$ is an equivalence. )
The big motivation behind this concept is that if all algebras were Igusa-Todorov, the famous finitistic dimension conjecture would be true. I personally think that not all algebras are Igusa-Todorov and I see no reason why selfinjective algebras should be Igusa-Todorov in general.
Edit: I saw that a selfinjective algebra not being Igusa-Todorov was also noted here: https://teresaconde.xyz/files/thesis.pdf on page 96 (thesis memoir by Teresa Conde, Oxford).